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Nicolás Buitrago Jaimes

Universidad De La Sabana





My name is Nicolás Buitrago Jaimes, I'm from the city of Bogotá, I live only with my mom, and currently, I'm in the tenth semester of medicine at Universidad de la Sabana. I joined the foundation since the ninth semester. In the last years of high school, I became very interested in sciences such as physics, chemistry, and biology, which is why I decided to study one of the few careers that combines more than one science. Since then, there is nothing else I want to become other than a doctor, and now, with more than half of the degree completed, I aspire to continue striving to finish the career and in the future specialize in intensive care to assist patients in more critical conditions.

Nicolás Buitrago Jaimes

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"El apoyo a la educación es el regalo que sigue dando, generación tras generación."

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